The Keele SU Sustainability Fund is made up of money raised during The Great Donate. The idea is that money made from these sustainable initiatives goes straight back into student activities to help make everything we do here at Keele that little bit better for the planet and people!
In the past, students have used this microgrant to purchase litter-picking equipment and seeds/gardening gear to host planting sessions and help increase the biodiversity of our campus. You can use this grant to run a campaign about gender or racial equality and apply for funding for poster resources and banners. Your project or event doesn't have to have an obvious sustainability theme; it might be that you're holding an event and want to make one aspect of it a bit more environmentally conscious or more accessible for other students. The project must apply to the SDGs, must be unique, and must be worthwhile. Whatever it is you're doing, this microgrant is here to help make your time at Keele more sustainable!
How To Apply...
Please fill in the form below to apply for the Sustainability Microgrant. This is open to any student or group looking to complete sustainability-related projects or lessen the impact of another project on the environment. We accept multiple applications in an academic year for different activities, so feel free to apply more than once! Once you've filled out the form below, attach it as an email to