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    Climate Emergency Declaration

    • We changed it


    (This is a table discussion, so the text below will not specifically be voted on) KeeleSU should declare a climate emergency and run a campaign through the environment and campus officer every year about climate change, the related issues that comes with it, and what students can do about it. This campaign will consist of an informative phase where the officer uses social media, posters and other options to communicate to student about the problem, phase 2 being the implementation of certain su events or stalls to talk to students about the problem and what they can do to hep combat climate change, phase 3 to include outside organizations and allow for connectivity and awareness around the subject through bringing other groups onto campus, and 4 to rise money through sustainable fundraisers that will then be donated to charity of their choice relating to the climate emergency.
Education Officer
3:57pm on 25 Mar 20 I agree we should declare a climate emergency! The university has already done it so we might as well too :)