Hong Kong


  • Hong Kong Student Membership£5.00

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The overriding aspiration of the Society is to gather and reunite all Hong Kong students at Keele, and to develop and cement amongst them a longstanding. It is important that Hong Kong students ...

The overriding aspiration of the Society is to gather and reunite all Hong Kong students at Keele, and to develop and cement amongst them a longstanding bond.

It is important that Hong Kong students from a large and cohesive community to which everyone belongs, as opposed to scattered groups comprised only of small circles of friends. The Society undertakes to quash deep-rooted separatism in many Hong Kong or indeed international students.

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    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.

    Club and Society Committee Elections 2024-25

    This is the Annual Committee Elections, where all clubs and societies elect a brand new committee in time for the new academic year.

    1404 posts are up for election.

    The polls have closed.