Wednesday 29th January 2024 // 11am - 3pm // Keele SU

Keele SU Housing Fairs are organised specifically for students looking for properties and for landlords who want to showcase the properties they have. All landlords have had their tenancy agreements checked by advisers from Advice & Support at Keele SU (ASK), however Keele SU will have no control over the contract you ultimately sign - it is your responsibility to understand what you're signing up to. Please read our full Disclaimer.
You are welcome to email a copy of the tenancy agreement to for checking or if you have any questions before you sign.
Housing Advice //
Information about housing law and house hunting is available on this website so make sure you take the time to read about your rights before you sign anything - the Tenancy Agreements page is especially important in helping you understand your rights and responsibilities.
House HuntingThis link will open in a new tab - Guide to house hunting with links to help you find properties and what you need to consider.
Tenancy AgreementsThis link will open in a new tab - Understanding your tenancy agreement and common issues to look out for before you sign. You can also learn about the various types of tenancies, including the differences between joint and individual tenancies, and what fees your landlord is allowed to charge.
BillsThis link will open in a new tab - Living costs you need to consider and how you could save money.
Council TaxThis link will open in a new tab - Council tax information for full-time, part-time and continuous students.
DepositsThis link will open in a new tab - Learn what your landlord should do with your security deposit and what you can do to make sure you don't lose it, plus information about holding deposits.
DisrepairThis link will open in a new tab - Who is responsible and what can you do if your landlord won't take action?
GuarantorsThis link will open in a new tab - What is a guarantor and how to get one.