The University has a trained team of Domestic Abuse Liaison Officers (known as DALOs). These are members of staff who have received additional training from a specialist domestic abuse organisation to be able to offer additional support to any student who is experiencing domestic abuse. They can support you in a variety of different ways, including:
- Complete the DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence) risk assessment with you.
- Arranging university-based support, such as changing classes, moving accommodation and financial support.
- Advise you on reporting options, such as to the police and/or the university if the perpetrator is a Keele student.
- Referrals into specialist external organisations, such as Glow or New Era.
You can visit the University's webpage for information about getting support and recognising whether you might be in an abusive relationship.This link will open in a new tab
Please see the Women's AidThis link will open in a new tab website for detailed information if you are worried about yourself or someone else. You can contact Staffordshire Women's Aid on their 24 hour helpline at 0870 2700 123
Glow This link will open in a new tab(formerly Arch North Staffs) also provide support and advice for people experiencing domestic abuse. Their helpline is 0330 0945 559.
SavanaThis link will open in a new tab - a local charity that provides support for anyone who has experienced or is affected by any form of sexual violence, domestic violence, or 'honour' related violence. You can contact them at 01782 433204 (24-hour message line) or email:
New EraThis link will open in a new tab - Staffordshire domestic abuse support. Helpline 0300 303 3778
National Domestic HelplineThis link will open in a new tab also offer less localised support. Their helpline is 0808 2000 247.
National Centre for Domestic ViolenceThis link will open in a new tab provides a fast, free emergency injunction service for domestic abuse.
If you have experienced domestic violence you can also contact Keele Counselling for counselling support
If you are worried about your behaviour towards your partner, or you have been violent or abusive, for information and advice to help you stop call the Respect Phoneline on 0808 802 4040, lines are open Mon-Fri 10am - 1pm and 2pm to 5pm or email