
Resources for family-related questions and issues

Children //

Can I bring my child with me to campus?

You can't bring your children to classes but Keele Day NurseryThis link will open in a new tab is an on-campus childcare facility and has 128 places for children from ages 3 months to 5 years.


If you're considering living on campus, unfortunately Keele only has a couple of flats available for students with children and these are only suitable for parents with one child.

How do I find schools in the Keele area?

Staffordshire County Council can help you to find a school in the local area and their website provides a list of local schools with Ofsted reports. You can use your postcode to find local schools and schools in your catchment area; if you do not have or know your postcode you can use the Keele SU postcode, which is 'ST5 5BJ'.


If you live in Cheshire East, you can find a map of local schools and links to their information on the Cheshire East Council website.This link will open in a new tab


You can learn more about enrolling your child in schoolThis link will open in a new tab by visiting

Is there any financial support available for students with children?

There are some benefits and grants you may be entitled to - you can visit our 'Parents' pageThis link will open in a new tab in the Money section for information about these.

How do I register a birth?

You must register the birth within 42 days of the child being born. You can do this at the local register office for the area where the baby was born, or you may be able to do this while still in hospital if your hospital provides for this.


The Government has a guide to registering a birthThis link will open in a new tab on their website.


Student Carers //

Is there support available at Keele?

There is specialised support available from Student Services, the University's websiteThis link will open in a new tab has information about the support they can provide as well as information about finances and help organisations.

Is there anywhere else I can go to for support?

You can contact the social services department of your local authority for support.  Anyone who 'regularly provides a substantial amount of care' is entitled to an assessment of their needs to help you access the support you need to care for your own wellbeing as well as your dependant.


Carers' Centres provide  range of support services including advice and emotional support. You can find information about local services by searching the Carers Trust websiteThis link will open in a new tab for using your postcode.


Hope Support ServicesThis link will open in a new tab is an organisation that supports young people aged 5 to 25 when a close family member is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. They have also written a guide for coping with university life through a family health crisis.This link will open in a new tab

Is there any financial support available?

If you are a part-time student and you spend at least 35 hours a week looking after a disabled person you may qualify for Carer’s Allowance. Unfortunately this is not available for full-time students. Citizens Advice has more information about Carer's AllowanceThis link will open in a new tab.


You may also qualify for the carer element of Universal Credit.


If you get Student Finance you can apply for the Adult Dependants' Grant if you are a full-time student and you have an adult who depends on you financially. Information about the Adult Dependants' GrantThis link will open in a new tab is on the website.

Is there anywhere I can go to for mental health support?

The University has a free counselling service. You can visit the Counselling webpageThis link will open in a new tab for information about their service, how to contact them, and for some great self-help resources.


Keele students can also access the Health Assured Student Assistance Programme (SAP). This service offers students access to support via a 24 hour confidential helpline, the Wisdom app, and online portal too. The services include mental health support from trained counsellors and advisors who are ready to listen and provide help on issues including emotional and physical health, mental health, counselling, relationships, managing stress and anxiety, money issues, and legal information. More information about Health AssuredThis link will open in a new tab is on the Keele website.


You can also talk to your GP to discuss support, which could include accessing NHS mental health services or trying medication.This link will open in a new tab


Our Mental Health pageThis link will open in a new tab has links to a number of support services you can contact, including SamaritansThis link will open in a new tab.


Relationships //

What are our legal rights as a couple?

Where can I find advice about getting married / entering into a civil partnership?

Citizens Advice has a guide to the practical aspects of getting marriedThis link will open in a new tab or registering a civil partnership,This link will open in a new tab including whether it is legal, financial agreements, where you can get married, and how to register.

What do I need to consider when ending a relationship?

When you separate from your partner, you may have a number of practical issues to work out, including:


If you’re in the UK as a dependent on your partner’s visa, you’ll also need to check if you can stay in the UK on a visa after separation or a divorce.


Citizen's Advice has advice to help you decide what to do.This link will open in a new tab They also have a page about mediation.This link will open in a new tab

Where can I find information about divorce?

Citizens AdviceThis link will open in a new tab has a comprehensive guide to divorce, including links to finding a solicitor and court costs.

Where can I get support for domestic abuse?

The University has a trained team of Domestic Abuse Liaison Officers (known as DALOs). These are members of staff who have received additional training from a specialist domestic abuse organisation to be able to offer additional support to any student who is experiencing domestic abuse. They can support you in a variety of different ways, including:


  • Complete the DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence) risk assessment with you.
  • Arranging university-based support, such as changing classes, moving accommodation and financial support.
  • Advise you on reporting options, such as to the police and/or the university if the perpetrator is a Keele student.
  • Referrals into specialist external organisations, such as Glow or New Era.

You can visit the University's webpage for information about getting support and recognising whether you might be in an abusive relationship.This link will open in a new tab


Please see the Women's AidThis link will open in a new tab website for detailed information if you are worried about yourself or someone else. You can contact Staffordshire Women's Aid on their 24 hour helpline at  0870 2700 123


Glow This link will open in a new tab(formerly Arch North Staffs) also provide support and advice for people experiencing domestic abuse. Their helpline is  0330 0945 559.


SavanaThis link will open in a new tab - a local charity that provides support for anyone who has experienced or is affected by any form of sexual violence, domestic violence, or 'honour' related violence. You can contact them at  01782 433204 (24-hour message line) or email:


New EraThis link will open in a new tab - Staffordshire domestic abuse support. Helpline 0300 303 3778


National Domestic HelplineThis link will open in a new tab also offer less localised support. Their helpline is 0808 2000 247.


National Centre for Domestic ViolenceThis link will open in a new tab provides a fast, free emergency injunction service for domestic abuse.


If you have experienced domestic violence you can also contact Keele Counselling  for counselling support


If you are worried about your behaviour towards your partner, or you have been violent or abusive, for information and advice to help you stop call the Respect Phoneline on 0808 802 4040, lines are open Mon-Fri 10am - 1pm and 2pm to 5pm or email


Death and Wills //

How do I make a will and what happens if someone dies without one?

When someone dies without a valid will, their property will be distributed according to intestacy rules. These rules will favour spouses and civil partners, then children, then parents, then siblings (or a deceased sibling's children). If you are in a relationship but you aren't married or in a civil partnership, your partner cannot inherit under these rules. You can visit Citizens Advice for more guidance on intestacy.This link will open in a new tab


There are a number of websites that provide advice on will writing. Some organisations also provide templates for wills, and you can purchase will kits online and in shops. You can make a will on your own but if your situation is complex, consider speaking to a solicitor to avoid any mistakes and discover your options. Citizens Advice has an overview on willsThis link will open in a new tab and how to write them, to help you get started.

What arrangements do I need to make when someone close to me dies?

You can visit the following pages for practical guidance on what arrangements need to be made and how to go about them:


The Government websiteThis link will open in a new tab has a step-by-step guide. 


Bereavement AdviceThis link will open in a new tab has a wealth of information and a checklist. 


What to do after a deathThis link will open in a new tab (Citizens Advice)   


Dealing with the financial affairs of someone who has diedThis link will open in a new tab (Citizens Advice)  


Arranging a funeralThis link will open in a new tab (Citizens Advice)  

Is there any mental health support for bereavement?

Cruse Bereavement SupportThis link will open in a new tab has a helpline and chat, which you can contact for free, and they have local services with support groups.


At a LossThis link will open in a new tab provides access to a bereavement counsellor via a livechat. 


The Dove ServiceThis link will open in a new tab is a local organisation based in Hanley.


You can also access more generalised support on campus for your mental health. The University has a free counselling service on campus, which is still operating remotely. You can visit the Counselling webpageThis link will open in a new tab for information about their service, how to contact them, and for some great self-help resources. 


Keele students also have access to the Health Assured Student Assistance Programme (SAP). This service offers students access to support via a 24 hour confidential helpline, the ‘My Healthy Advantage’ app, and online portal too. The services include mental health support from trained counsellors and advisors who are ready to listen and provide help on issues including emotional and physical health, mental health, counselling, relationships, managing stress and anxiety, money issues, and legal information. More information about Health AssuredThis link will open in a new tab is on the Keele website.