Sport Clubs

Athletic Union…the home of sport at Keele! Try out and become part of one or more of our fantastic sports clubs and play competitive sport regardless of ability and experience.

Club News //

VARSITY 2025 // Day #1
University of Staffordshire
Clubs and Societies

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Sophie Borman | Experience & Community Officer |

Keele Athletic Union Student Experience Team |

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Also known as Team Keele, the Athletic Union is responsible for overseeing and supporting our student-led sports clubs.

We provide students at Keele the opportunity to try out and become part of one or more of our fantastic sports clubs and play competitive sport regardless of ability and experience. The vast majority of our teams compete in BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sports) leagues and championships, however many of our clubs also take part in local friendly fixtures and even welcome new members (not looking to compete) to take part in active training sessions.

In addition to competitive sport and with the help of the AU Committee we also put on a number of events throughout the year, such as Varsity, the AU Winter Ball and AU Awards Night. Scroll down below to find out more about joining the AU and the clubs we have to offer, in addition to purchasing your AU Membership and seeing what this includes.