News Article

Be Better, Do Better

Be Better Do BetterCampaigns
Coloured Be better do better text on a black background

 'Be Better, Do Better' Is Keele SU's Anti-Racism Campaign. With This Campaign, We Are Making A Definitive Statement That Simply "Not Being Racist" Is Not Enough. We Must Make Strides As A Union, University And Community To Be A Voice For Equality, And As An Officer Team We Recognise That Input From Black, Asian And Minority Ethnic Student Voices Is Key. 


As an officer team, we recognise that input for Black, Asian and minority ethnic student voices is key. During Black History Month in October, we launched a survey and held a table discussion/drop-in about what our 'Be Better, Do Better' priorities should be. We'll continue to host drop-in sessions online so you can give us your honest feedback and suggestions. We'll also be keeping our survey open throughout the year. Want to give us feedback? ??





