Discover Keele University's new anonymous reporting tool for hate crime, microaggressions, and discrimination. Learn how this tool supports a safer campus environment and empowers students and staff to report incidents confidentially.
Report A Hate-Crime
The University's New Reporting Tool
In January 2019, as part of the #NeverOK campaign, Keele University and Keele SU partnered with one of the UK's leading hate-crime reporting services, Stop Hate UK. In the two years since this reporting tool was made available to Keele students, only 1 student made a report to the service. While on the surface this may seem positive, research suggests that victims of hate-crime are unlikely to report their experiences. We know that the prevalence of hate-crime at Keele is likely higher than the number of reported incidents.
Considering this, in December 2020 all Keele University students were invited to complete an anonymous survey into their experiences of hate-crime and hate-crime reporting. This survey has helped us better understand why students did not report to Stop Hate UK, and has informed changes to hate-crime reporting at Keele. Now that our partnership with Stop Hate UK has come to an end, the University has developed a bespoke anonymous reporting tool for both staff and students to report hate crime, microaggressions, and discrimination. The research is summarised in the report below.

This tool will provide a space for victims and witnesses to report different incidents. The report will remain anonymous unless you choose to share their contact details, in which case you will be able to receive further support from Student Services. Implementing an anonymous reporting tool is a positive step forward in ensuring that we have the full picture of the environment in which our staff and students live, study and work, and to identify key issues occurring at Keele. Anonymity allows people to make reports and be heard but it also allows us to create campaigns and interventions based on reports. This anonymous reporting tool is also a clear statement to all students and staff that inappropriate behaviour is not accepted here at Keele.
The reporting tool is not for emergency situations and no identifying information of anyone involved should be reported on the form.
Report anonymous by clicking the picture below or follow the link:

Why Should I Report?
It helps us help you: through guiding you to relevant support networks, and putting in place support, we can help see that this experience doesn't jeopardise your education and life.
It helps others: Reporting an incident can help us prevent future incidents happening at Keele. It shows us where we need to make targeted improvements, educate our community on issues, and change policy. Reporting will help the wider Keele community in having a safer experience.
Where Else Can I Report?
In an emergency:
Tel: 999 and ask for the police service.
Tel: 101 to speak to the police.
Keele University Out of Hours Support: 01782 733999
If it's not an emergency:
Report it to the police online:
Report it to Keele University anonymously:
Independent Advice & Support at Keele SU (ASK):
LGBT+ Hate Crime Support:
Muslim Hate Crime Support:
Report Antisemitic behavior incidents to Community Security Trust (CST) is a charity that protects British Jews from antisemitism and related threats. Report Antisemitic Behaviour – CST – Protecting Our Jewish Community
Report Racism - Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Home | Report Racism GRT