Officer Blogs

Development & Democracy Officer Blog

Hi I’m Tom!

I came to Keele in 2019 from Huddersfield to study Law. I first got involved in the SU when I signed up for being a student voice rep and started working as a bar host in my second year.

Whilst I was a student I changed course to sociology and was involved with the society ‘DMK’, the Dance Music Kollective!

Outside of my role, I am in interested in travelling and socialising and I am also a massive foodie!

Why did I run for my role?

I ran for Development and Democracy Officer because I am passionate about student voice and it is a role with a large amount of influence, with access to more strategic meetings, meaning I can advocate for students at the highest possible level!

My Priorities:

  • Enhance and refresh Cost-of-Living support
  • Develop the Student Voice
  • Promote sustainability

I love Keele because its a friendly and caring community, where all are made to feel welcome. The green space is beautiful and there's always new places to go out and explore.

The advice I would give new students this year is to utilise Freshers week to meet new people - go knock on your neighbour's door, you are all in the same boat and looking to socialise!

You can talk to me about:

  • Issues you're having around campus
  • Our Campaign Networks
  • Any SU or University suggestions
  • Democracy, elections and why we do what we do
  • Sustainability
Thu 08 Feb 2024

February UGM!

Shag Week: I’ve re-launched SHAG Week (I’ll put some info on the board at the end with events etc) but most importantly: Our Quiz about Sex, where you can win Sex Toys is on the 13th February in the Ballroom. We have lectures about HPV and Feminism and pornography, a vulva cake decorating session, free cocktails and glass painting and loads more, so do try and attend as much as you can!


I collaborated with the UCU on a few projects, including trying to get better support or parent/carer students through the nursery on campus. This feedback has gone to the University Student Voice Committee and we’re hoping for feedback soon. We also started to look into the viability of changing lecture timings as part of this project. Unfortunately, our UCU/SU Liaison representative had to step back from his role, so I’m pushing for a replacement as it has been really nice to get insight on their plans, as well as work together to lobby the University.


Imputed into the Universities 10 year plan, which you can also do at their Keele 100 event on 13th Feb in Chancellors (It’s before the Quiz don’t worry).


International students: Spoke to the incoming January cohort of international students and highlighted the benefits of getting involved in the SU. Myself and our deputy CEO Fay met with academics regarding the lack of support for international students and are currently in the planning stage of how we can negotiate and collaborate with the University to offer better support mechanisms. 


Would it be a Jade Cioffi update without me talking about Networks? Call us misses worldwide, because myself and Tuesday have been talking with other Officers across the Country about Networks, giving them advice on how they can increase memberships and be more sustainable long term. Which confirms what I always tell people anyway: Our Networks are extremely good (please join though x). 


My most exciting project has been working on reviewing the effectiveness of our democratic structures and how we can better utilise the resources we have to ensure students are getting the representation they deserve and need, as well as support in other areas. There’s a presentation on this later in the UGM so hopefully you’ll be as excited as I am.


Finally, I’m leading on CEO recruitment over the next couple of months so that will be an interesting new experience. The CEO is delegated responsibility by the trustee board to act in the best interest of the SU and ‘lead’ staff teams strategically. If being a trustee sounds super fun and exciting, run in our full time officer elections. 

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