Officer Blogs

Development & Democracy Officer Blog

Hey! I’m Jade and I’m your Development and Democracy Officer for this year. It’s my job to help develop Keele SU to make sure it’s responding to the needs of students. I also make sure students feel represented, while acting as a voice for Keele students on issues and campaigns they care about in the University, local community and nationally. 

At Keele I have studied a BA in Politics with Sociology and a PG Dip. As a student, I held a part-time officer role and attended many clubs and society events. Outside of University, I love game nights with my friends, going shopping, listening to JLS and laughing at my own jokes. 

Talk to me about:

  • Making Keele SU a more welcoming place for everyone
  • The facilities and services that students need such as transport, parking, laundry and accommodation
  • Cost-of-Living
  • Empowering the student voice through part-time roles, elections and Networks


Email me at or contact me on social media below: 

Facebook logo: Click here to be directed to Tom's Facebook profile

November UGM!

It’s been half a year since our last UGM! We’ve had a new team, and I’ve even (slightly) changed my role since then, so I’ll keep this as brief as I can and stick to the most important things I’ve done I that time.

1. Spoke out against Universities accommodation plans at governing bodies.

2. Wrote a letter to local MP Aaron Bell regarding the ban of dependents for international students- received a less than welcoming reply.

3. Delivered training sessions to the incoming officer team to help strengthen University relationships.

4. Wrote a speech for graduation ceremonies and was fortunate enough to give the SU a platform to over 3000 graduands and their families.

5. Worked with the University Decolonise the Curriculum group on how we can better collaborate and get students involved in the work they are doing.

6. Acted on ‘Toastergate’ and spoke with the Head of Student Services to re-evaluate the banning of rice cookers next academic year.

7. Spoke at the QAA annual conference about sustainability.

8. Created an ‘International Student Guide’ which gives tailored information about topics such as GP’s, Banks, local food shops and more, which international students may need support with.

9. Helped with Speak Week, and alongside Tuesday Forrest, managed to collect over 900 responses in 4 days!

10. Set up meetings with the Chair of University Council, (The VC’s Boss) and Students to give them a platform to speak about their experiences at Keele.

11. Held the University accountable for their work around the Race Equality Charter and encouraged them to do more.

12. Fought for international students at Senate and pushed the university to have a cohesive approach towards their experience.

13. Continued to give Networks a platform. Saw them flourish was increased memberships, multiple leads, running their own meetings; events and stalls. They are also going to begin working collaboratively with the University by sitting on boards and decision making forums.
