Officer Blogs

Development & Democracy Officer Blog

Hi I’m Tom!

I came to Keele in 2019 from Huddersfield to study Law. I first got involved in the SU when I signed up for being a student voice rep and started working as a bar host in my second year.

Whilst I was a student I changed course to sociology and was involved with the society ‘DMK’, the Dance Music Kollective!

Outside of my role, I am in interested in travelling and socialising and I am also a massive foodie!

Why did I run for my role?

I ran for Development and Democracy Officer because I am passionate about student voice and it is a role with a large amount of influence, with access to more strategic meetings, meaning I can advocate for students at the highest possible level!

My Priorities:

  • Enhance and refresh Cost-of-Living support
  • Develop the Student Voice
  • Promote sustainability

I love Keele because its a friendly and caring community, where all are made to feel welcome. The green space is beautiful and there's always new places to go out and explore.

The advice I would give new students this year is to utilise Freshers week to meet new people - go knock on your neighbour's door, you are all in the same boat and looking to socialise!

You can talk to me about:

  • Issues you're having around campus
  • Our Campaign Networks
  • Any SU or University suggestions
  • Democracy, elections and why we do what we do
  • Sustainability

December AGM 2024

  • New Multifaith Spaces around Campus
  • Another £1500 grant secured for a 2025 Warmer Winter Campaign!
  • Recruitment: CEO and the University's Chancellor.
  • Planned and helped deliver the new CEO's introduction calendar.
  • SU Strategy Stakeholder Sessions with University Executives.
  • HYSD and Elections oversight and reformation.
  • Campaign planning for semester two!