Officer Blogs

Education Officer Blog

Hi, my name is Matt and I am your Education Officer for this year. My role is to support your studies and ensure that you get the most out of your experience at Keele. I am responsible for a number of projects including Student Voice Representatives, whereby your opinions can be acted on at both a course and school level. My role also includes making sure that your voice is heard and acted on, as well as providing change to university processes including Exceptional Circumstances.

Talk to me about:

  • Become a Student Voice rep
  • Issues on your course of study
  • Accessibility of resources

Email me at

UGM Report - February 2023

New year, same me! It’s time for another Union General Meeting and because of that it is time for another report on what I’ve been up to:  

  • We finally submitted our Student Submission for the Teaching Excellence Framework. This has been a huge piece of work, but we believe we have created an authentic and meaningful summary of what it is like to be a student at Keele. Our final submission can be found here

  • I have been working on several working groups focusing on topics such as: academic skills support, international student experience, student engagement, access and participation, and graduate attributes.  

  • We have been reviewing the Student Voice Representative system to ensure that the changes we made have been effective. I have also been writing a Student Voice Representative Code of Practice to ensure that the system is appropriately embedded across the SU, the University, and the KPA.  

  • I have been involved in some external events; I contributed to the QAA’s Quality Code around Educational Gains, and I will be presenting at their annual conference around Student Engagement in Quality Assurance. 

  • We have been working to support students during the strike action. We have been meeting with both Keele UCU and Keele University to raise our concerns regarding student impact. You can find more information at  

If you have any questions about what I’ve been up to, or if you want to get involved in anything, please do just drop me an email – thank you!