Student Voice Reps

Student Voice Representatives provide academic representation to ensure you have your say in the quality of education you receive. Any student can apply to be a Voice Rep.

What are Student Voice Reps? //

A Student Voice Representative at Keele SU gathers feedback from peers throughout the year, reaching out in person, via email, or on social media. They attend meetings with academic and administrative staff to discuss any issues raised.

If you have academic concerns, you can approach your Student Voice Representatives, who will relay these to schools to improve the quality of your education. Sharing your experiences ensures your student voice is heard and drives positive change.

Become a Voice Rep //

Being a Student Voice Rep lets you make a significant impact in your academic community while developing a wide range of valuable skills such as leadership, negotiation, effective communication, problem-solving, advocacy, and lobbying. You will receive comprehensive support from Keele SU, Lead Voice Reps, and the Education Officer. Training sessions and ongoing support are provided to ensure you are well-prepared for the role. Applications open at the start of the academic year for all courses, giving everyone an opportunity to get involved.

Voice Rep Applications are now closed for 24/25 Academic Year.

Support for Student Voice Reps //

Hey there! I’m Matt, your Education Officer for this year. I’m here to support you as a Student Voice Rep. Before becoming your Education Officer, I was a Student Voice Rep just like you! So, if you have any questions about the role don’t be afraid to get in touch – no question is too big or small.

Voice Rep Handbook

What are Student Voice Representatives able to help me with?

Some of the issues SVRs have helped to resolve in the past include problems with resources (for example, not enough books in the library for a module), unsuitable teaching rooms, online resources, confusing teaching styles or assessment feedback, and ideas for curriculum development.

Don't forget positive feedback! If there is something you love about your course, tell your Student Voice Representative so they can tell the School!

If you have an individual issue or complaint that should not be brought up in a meeting with staff and students, you can contact ASK at Keele SU. ASK can help with a range of issues from academic appeals, complaints, health, immigration, housing, family, legal and financial issues.