Contact ASK


Is ASK the best place for my query?

We want you to get the help you need in the fastest time, so we'd recommend you check this list before contacting us so you can make sure we're the team you need.



We are not involved in the admissions process so we are not able to advise on course requirements. You can email the Admissions team at (before applying) or (after applying), and you can also contact the relevant School.


Course Questions

We don't have an in-depth knowledge of every course and module so for questions about course content and assignments the best place to start is your School. 


Financial Hardship

We can advise students who are struggling financially, however, if you are in need of some money urgently, for food, travel or other essentials, then the best place to go to is Student Services as they can give emergency loans. You can then come to us or to Student Services for advice on potential ways of increasing income and help with budgeting.



We can provide advice about your employment rights but if you would like help with a job search or in preparing for the workplace, the Careers and Employability team would be more helpful to you.


Mental health

We're not mental health professionals so we can't provide a counselling service. However, we can talk to you about the services that are available to you, advise you if your studies are being impacted, and support you if there are any practical issues affecting your mental health, such as housing or finances.


Students' Union

If you're not sure which SU department to contact, or you can't find the contact details, you can email the general email address. If you'd like to get involved in an activity or society, you can visit the SU's Get Involved page.


Study Support

We can't help you with your assignments, but you can visit the university's Academic Skills page for their learning support services and resources, including Write Direction.


University Accommodation Questions and Issues

You can contact Accommodation Services at if you have any questions about the university's accommodation. If you have any problems with your room, you should report problems through the accommodation portal and we can then support you if you're not making any progress or are unhappy with the response.



As this is a highly specialised area we cannot advise on visa queries or issues, unless you're appealing against or complaining about a university decision. You can contact Immigration Compliance for the university at or you can speak to UKCISA for independent advice.

Email Advice

For GDPR reasons we would prefer you to use our email advice form (link below) the first time you email us with your enquiry. After that, or if you're having any problems with the form, you can just email us at


We aim to reply to emails within 3 working days though usually you will not have to wait the full 3 days for a reply. Our response times can be longer during periods of high demand or short staffing.  We will try to prioritise enquiries by urgency and if you have a deadline we will try to get back to you within this timeframe but we cannot guarantee this. We may not be able to give advice or attend meetings at short notice.

Book an Appointment

You can book an appointment to speak to an adviser by using our booking form at the link below.


You can choose to have your appointment over telephone, Teams, or in person. If you have chosen a telephone or Teams appointment we will call you using your chosen method at your appointment time - you will not be sent a link for Teams appointments. If you have booked an appointment to see us in our office, please report to the Hub and they will let us know you've arrived.


Due to limited resources ASK is an appointment-only service and cannot accommodate drop ins. If you need advice before the next appointment is available, remember you can always get advice from us by email and our advice pages contain guidance on a number of areas.


If you are more than 10 minutes late for an appointment you have booked, you will be asked to make another appointment.


You can cancel or reschedule your appointment by following the link in your appointment confirmation email.


If you get an error message saying there's missing information but you've definitely filled in everything try refreshing the page. If you're still having problems booking please let us know.


Book an appointment - link to booking form



You can help us to improve our service by completing this survey. Your feedback is important to us and the survey should only take about 5 minutes of your time and your answers will be completely anonymous.


If you wish to make a complaint about our service, please read our Complaints Procedure.