About your SU

Read more about your Students' Union at Keele University and what we do

Keele SU is all about you, and making sure your time at Keele is enjoyable, engaging and develops you as a person.

Students are automatically members of Keele SU. As a membership-led organisation you get a say in how your Students’ Union is run; by voting for officers and putting forward suggestions on the way we do things. It also means you have access to the building throughout the academic year and are able to join any of our 100+ clubs and societies, and make friends, develop your skills, and have the best time possible while at Keele.

The Students' Union are there to support you during your degree. Whether to get a break from studying or even providing somewhere to work or to celebrate after handing in essays and completing exams, the Students' Union is there to be shaped by what you want the Student Experience to be.  Whether you want to affect change on your course or struggling in your personal life, Keele SU is member-led and here to help every student feel welcome and part of the Keele community.

We aim to be a students' union of the highest quality in representing and supporting you to get the most from your time at Keele.

Whatever your needs, interests, challenges or opportunities, we're right here with you to help you get the very best from your time at Keele so you may achieve your ambitions for the future. We love that you are all different, and we're here to represent, support and involve all of you.

Who runs Your SU?

As our name would suggest...you do! Each year we elect 13 students from across the campuses to become our elected officer team. These elected students make decisions and set direction on behalf of the student body for their year in office. Of course, we have staff to help the Officers run the show, however, the big decisions are made by those elected representatives.

Full Time Officers  Part Time Officers  Elections

How does this work?

So in order to make sure the Union is running smoothly we have a collection of different meetings that run throughout the year. These meetings offer chances for students to make changes within the Union.

Board of Trustees

Your SU is overseen by our Board of Trustees. This is a collection of Students, University Staff and Externals that ensure the Union remains sustainable in terms of finance, legality and reputational status. They set the overall strategy and oversee the management of the permanent Union Staff.